WONDR collected 4 Global Design Awards for digital exellence at this years Vega Awards.

In addition to the 3 Vega Global Digital Awards we collected earlier in the season, WONDR have been awarded another GOLD for ‘Best Energy Website’ for our work on ESB Network’s website and PowerCheck application.


This year the awards programmes had over 1,000 submissions from 20 countries worldwide. The International Awards Associate (IAA) organised the Vega Digital Awards to celebrate digital excellence worldwide, recognising the very best in Websites, Video, Mobile, Social, Animation, Marketing, and Podcasts.

The judging panel was comprised of 22 highly respected and experienced professional experts from 10 countries, who selected three of our entries as winners.

This year, we collected 4 awards in total.

Best Energy Website

ESB Network’s website and the PowerCheck application has won a gold ‘Centauri’ Award for ‘Best Website’ in the ‘Energy’ category at the 2022 Vega Global Digital Awards.

Best Financial Services App

11Onze’s universal banking app ‘El Canut’ won a gold ‘Centauri’ Award for ‘Best Financial Services App’ at the 2022 Vega Global Digital Awards.

Best Services & Utilities App

Package Portal’s Web3 enabled loyalty and feedback platform won a rose gold ‘Arcturus’ Award for ‘Best Services & Utilities App’ at the 2022 Vega Global Digital Awards.

Best Insurance Website

AA Insurance Ireland won a gold Centauri Award for ‘Best Insurance Website’ at the 2022 Vega Global Digital Awards.

Continued Success

This is WONDR’s 8th Vega Global Digital Award since 2021, showcasing the skill and vastness of our talented team. Winning awards in various industries from eCommerce, Energy, Insurance, Services & Utilities, FinTech, Banking & Finance, Social Networking and Beauty & Cosmetics.

In total WONDR has collected 50 Design Awards, with 22 won in the past  12-months from some of the world’s most prestigious design programmes, including the Webbys (USA), UX Design Awards (Germany) & the Lau Awards (Spain).

WONDR continues its winning streak by collecting 3 international design awards at the 2022 Vega Global Digital Awards.

We collected 3 awards in the categories for Best Financial Services App, Best Insurance Website & Best Services & Utilities App.

This year the awards programmes had over 1,000 submissions from 20 countries worldwide. The International Awards Associate (IAA) organised the Vega Digital Awards to celebrate digital excellence worldwide, recognising the very best in Websites, Video, Mobile, Social, Animation, Marketing, and Podcasts.

The judging panel was comprised of 22 highly respected and experienced professional experts from 10 countries, who selected three of our entries as winners.

The winners were…

Best Financial Services App

11Onze’s universal banking app ‘El Canut’ won a gold ‘Centauri’ Award for ‘Best Financial Services App’ at the 2022 Vega Global Digital Awards.

Best Insurance Website

AA Insurance Ireland won a gold Centauri Award for ‘Best Insurance Website’ at the 2022 Vega Global Digital Awards.

Best Services & Utilities App

Package Portal’s Web3 enabled loyalty and feedback platform won arose gold ‘Arcturus’ Award for ‘Best Services & Utilities App’ at the 2022 Vega Global Digital Awards.

Continued Success

These awards follow on from WONDR’s incredible run of success that saw us collect 22 awards in 12 months from some of the world’s most prestigious programmes. Hopefully, these awards are the start of another successful year for us as we celebrate our 9th year in business.

We've been actively progressing our output of #Web3 enabled products. This will revolutionise many sectors, espeically financial services, insurance, healthcare, utilities and energy.

Dermot O'Shea Founder - WONDR

Dermot added….

“These awards are important as they recognise how WONDR as a team transcends boundaries by using the latest in tech to enable rapid digital transformation.”

We’re proud to announce that our collaboration with 11Onze has won a global digital award for excellence.

11Onze‘s universal banking app ‘El Canut’ has won a Centauri Award for Best Financial Services App at the Vega Global Digital Awards.

11Onze’s financial application, which celebrated its first anniversary this month, overcame all obstacles to win a new international award. More than 1,000 applications were received from 20 countries.

This is the second year in a row that 11Onze has collected an award at this programme having previously collected a Centauri Award for La Plaça / The Square and numerous other accolades from international design associations.

"We strongly believe in the democratisation of banking and financial services. That’s why we're delighted to have our technological milestones recognised as pioneering."

James Sène Chairman - 11Onze

A global benchmark

The story behind the launch of El Canut was captured perfectly in a film, that premiered in Barcelona, entitled ‘In a few days. Attempts at sabotage, infiltrators and constant pressure aimed at derailing the birth of 11Onze as a Catalan community fintech.


The project, however, dodged the problems, moved forward and now users have in their hands an application that has been recognised across the globe as an award-winning benchmark by the Vega Digital Awards (global), the Webbys (USA), UX Design Awards (Germany), The ADG Laus (Spain) and IDI Awards (Ireland).

About the Vega Digital Awards

The Vega Digital Awards are organised by the International Awards Associate (IAA) and they aim to celebrate digital excellence worldwide, recognising the very best in Websites, Video, Mobile, Social, Animation, Marketing, and Podcasts.

This year the judging panel was comprised of 22 experts from 10 countries. The theme for the 2022 Vega Awards is ‘Transcending Boundaries’ – to go beyond the common and to set ourselves apart.

11Onze is a Barcelona-based fintech that has done nothing but transcend boundaries since its launch, their mission is to empower the financial health and decisions of the Catalan community in Spain and abroad by creating an expansive resource, ‘El Canut‘.

The vision for the app was to offer customers the ability to manage all their bank accounts in one place, no matter what country they reside in. In addition, customers would be able to manage all their payments, transfers, savings and loans from one source – a one-stop-shop banking app.

‘El Canut’ is an old Catalan phrase that means purse. Unlike the old phrase, the product and service of 11Onze and El Canut was radically new for the Spanish and European markets. This was the key design challenge for our team; to design a disruptive banking app to coincide with the launch of a new way of delivering community banking and ‘transcending boundaries’.

We’re proud to be the winners at the prestigious 2022 ADG LAU Awards in Barcelona, Spain.

Our collaboration with 11Onze on La Plaça, the world’s fintech private social network, has been awarded a Bronze Award for Best Responsive Design for Mobile at the 2022 ADG LAU Awards.

This year’s event was held at a special ceremony at the magnificent ‘Museu del Disseny’ and was one of the highlights of Barcelona Design Week.

ADG LAU Awards

The ADG LAU Awards are one of Spain’s most sought after design prizes honouring excellence across digital, product, visual comms, film and packaging.

Established in 1964, this year the ADG LAU Awards received more than 1200 entries from the best design talent across Spain and beyond.

ADG are the Association of Art Directors and Graphic Designers, a private non-profit organization based in Barcelona and members of the FAD, an institution of the Promotion of Arts and Design since 1903.

To be awarded at the prestigious LAU Awards is a great honour & a first for a 🇮🇪 design company.

Dermot O'Shea Founder - WONDR

LAU Awards Exhibition

The awards had a an expert judging panel made up of Spain’s top design talent across multiple disciplines.

The winning work selected by the judges is now on display at the Museu del Disseny (Barcelona Design Museum).

A well worthwhile visit where you will find the best in digital, product, furniture, visual comms, automotive and many many more.

About 11Onze

11Onze is the first community fintech in Europe offering financial literacy and wealth creation services to its members.

The brand fills a gap in the larger fintech sector with its La Plaça / The Square (private social network), Les Peles (digital currency), El Canut (universal banking super App) and expansive educational library, aimed at educating people with informative content on finance, economics, well-being and sustainability.

To date, 11Onze, which has a clear vision to educate and engage its members on money matters, has uploaded more than 1,985 videos and 2,034 online posts in three languages (English, Catalan, Spanish) with over 10,000 active users using the platform.

WONDR està orgullós d’anunciar el llançament de La Plaça de 11Onze, la primera xarxa social privada dissenyada per atendre les necessitats financeres del poble català.

Treballant en estreta col·laboració amb 11Onze, l’equip internacional de WONDR amb seu a Dublín i Barcelona, ha desenvolupat una plataforma social per assolir l’objectiu central: la creació d’un servei fintech fundat i construït pel benefici de la comunitat catalana.
Mentre que les institucions financeres tradicionals creen plataformes digitals per vendre productes, 11Onze ha innovat per crear una xarxa social que serveixi activament el poble català i les seves necessitats. Aquesta diferenciació és el que defineix 11Onze.

El Netflix de les Fiances

“La Plaça” permet als clients tenir el control de les seves finances. A través de la plataforma, les barreres institucionals tradicionals s’han substituït aportant transparència i simplicitat en l’experiència. Els usuaris poden contactar directament amb els agents i poden veure el procés de selecció que es va realitzar a 11Onze.
“La Plaça” també és una extensa font de recursos, on els clients reben consells i visualitzen contingut útil a través de lliçons i vídeos. Es proporciona informació detallada sobre finances, inversions, estalvis, economia i sostenibilitat per tal que els usuaris puguin iniciar el seu camí cap a la sobirania financera personal.
Com s’espera d’una xarxa social, els usuaris poden comentar, marcar el contingut que els agrada, compartir articles i opinions. Respecte a la configuració de la plataforma, l’accessibilitat a la informació i el disseny impulsat per la intel·ligència artificial han ajudat a crear una experiència que s’adapta a cada individu i a les seves necessitats.

11Onze vol anar més enllà del que ofereixen les institucions financeres tradicionals per oferir allò que els clients esperen.

Diarmuid Ó Sé WONDR

Com Cap Altre

11Onze vol anar més enllà del que ofereixen les institucions financeres tradicionals per oferir allò que els clients esperen, proporcionant-los una comprensió única i profunda de les seves finances, la nova economia, la sostenibilitat i l’ètica.
El resultat és una experiència digital totalment innovadora que uneix les necessitats dels usuaris, els requisits empresarials i la tecnologia d’una forma en què les institucions financeres i els clients no havien vist mai.

WONDR are proud to announce the launch of  La Plaça from 11Onze, the first private social network designed to serve the financial needs of the Catalan people.


Working in close collaboration with 11Onze, WONDR’s international team based out of Dublin and Barcelona have developed a social platform to realise 11Onze’s central purpose; the creation of a fintech service that is founded, built around and for the benefit of the Catalan community.


Where traditional financial institutions create websites to sell products, 11Onze has innovated to create a social network that actively serves the Catalan people and their needs. This ethos is what sets 11Onze.

The Netflix of Finance

“La Plaça” enables customers to take control of their financial destiny. Through the platform, institutional barriers have been replaced with transparency and clarity. Users can engage directly with brand ambassadors and are able to see the selection process of 11Onze agents.


“La Plaça” is also an expansive resource, where customers receive advice and view useful content through short online lessons and videos. By providing insightful information about finance, investment, savings, the economy and sustainability, the users can start their journey towards personal financial sovereignty.


As would be expected on a social network, users can comment, like and share articles and opinions. Behind the screen, informational accessibility and AI powered design has helped create an experience that shapes around the individual and their needs.

11Onze believes in going beyond what traditional financial institutions offer to deliver what customers expect.

Dermot O'Shea WONDR

Like No Other

11Onze believes in going beyond what traditional financial institutions offer to deliver what customers expect, by providing them with a unique and deep understanding of their finance, the new economy, sustainability, and ethics.


The result is a fully realised and innovative digital experience that places user needs, business requirements, and technology in tandem step with each other in a way that banking and customers have never seen before.

WONDR is proud to have been commissioned by the 11ONZE leadership team to set the digital vision, design and delivery for a new Catalan bank that will launch in 2021.

We believe this is a once-in-a-decade opportunity to be part of something truly meaningful; the creation of a digital-first bank that enables culture and empowers communities.

11ONZE will be an independent bank that directly supports Catalan society by providing the latest banking technology for private citizens, the self-employed, and small-to-medium-sized companies.


A WONDR estem orgullosos d’haver rebut l’encàrrec de l’equip directiu d’11ONZE per establir la visió digital, el disseny i el desenvolupament d’un nou Banc Català que es posarà en marxa el 2021.

Creiem que és una oportunitat única, d’aquelles que sorgeix cada deu anys, la de poder formar part d’alguna cosa tant significativa; la creació d’un primer Banc Digital que permeti la cultura i doni la força al poble.

11ONZE serà un banc independent que donarà suport directament a la societat catalana proporcionant l’última tecnologia bancària per als ciutadans privats, autònoms i petites i mitjanes empreses.

The Catalan and Irish people understand each other and there is much respect between us. We share similar histories and a common ethos of community and cultural pride. Our talented creative team is led by a Catalan and we look forward to bringing our spirit together to create something unique that will deliver the future of banking for all.

Diarmuid Ó Sé Founder - WONDR

When WONDR first spoke to the leadership team in 11ONZE, we instantly knew this was a unique chance to create more than just a bank, but a cultural brand which places community and people at its centre.

11ONZE will play a significant and positive role in society by creating banking products that provide genuine innovation and financial sovereignty for its customers.


Quan WONDR va parlar per primera vegada amb l’equip que lidera 11ONZE, vam saber immediatament que era una oportunitat única per crear més que un banc, una veritable marca cultural que situa la comunitat i la gent al centre.

11ONZE tindrà un paper significatiu i positiu en la societat mitjançant la creació de productes bancaris que proporcionin innovació genuïna i sobirania financera per als seus clients.

Els catalans i els irlandesos ens entenem, tenim un vincle i respecte especial entre nosaltres. Compartim històries similars i un ethos comú d’orgull comunitari i cultural. El nostre equip creatiu està liderat per un català i esperem unir el nostre esperit per crear quelcom únic que oferirà el futur de la banca per a tothom.