Foreword by Oisín Hurst – Director of Brand Strategy.
I never stop to ‘smell the roses’ (as some people say). I’m not entirely sure as to why. Usually, by the time a product or project has been completed, my mind needs to quickly pivot towards the next challenge. In truth ‘needs to’ isn’t quite accurate. It’s more of a habit than a need. But after seven years, maybe it’s time, as a team, to pick out a few favourites. So here they are.
Mary’s Pick
ESB Energy
The feel good vibes that come from real team work! Every member of the team within WONDR gave their time and skills to add value along the way.
Kristiana’s Pick
KBC Bank
I enjoyed working on the KBC website redesign, I felt a part of each step in the process from start to finish, I was able to leave my mark and am really pleased with the final result.
Diego’s Pick
Pet Drugs Online
It was the first eCommerce project I had the opportunity to work on from the beginning. I learned a lot working with this client (UX/UI). With the level of knowledge and expertise applied, we achieved a really positive result.
Mariana’s Pick
ESB Real-Time Visualisation
It was the mission where I learned the most. The application we created was different from anything that existed before, All while helping ESB to save millions.
Likha Digital Experience
Clément's Pick
Clément’s Pick
I loved being able to explore animations on this project, I learned a lot and I think it’s one of the cleanest projects I’ve coded.
Oisín’s Pick
CSSDA Website of the Year 2018
There’s a whole host or reasons, working on an international showcase experience, pushing the project knowing that it’ll be seen by industry peers around the globe, the concept itself was so much fun.
But actually the biggest reason is the level of collaboration. We, as a team, sweated every detail, movement, effect and interaction.
Sinead & Suganthini’s Pick
ESB PowerCheck
Sinead This was the first time I was exposed to fast prototype user testing and it was a great insight into WONDR’s ways of working. It shows the value, rapidly testing the design with users can bring.
Suganthini My first ever project; working as part of an experienced team, I’ve learnt so much in a short time and really developed as a designer.
Visit Website
Laura’s Pick
ESB Networks
(Launching Soon)
Every person in Ireland visits ESB Networks at some point in their lives, so it feels like we’re making a really important contribution to people across Ireland who depend on info from networks during storm season.
Pete’s Pick (Original Website)
When you hit the space bar it played a dialup modem sound – as I’m getting old, it brings back memories of the old internet.
View Old Website