The 20th edition of the Irish Digital Media Awards is on the horizon, and for the second year running, WONDR proudly sponsor the Best Brand award.

The ‘Best Brand’ Award is a celebration of innovative brand identities that seamlessly weave into every aspect of a business.

As a company deeply passionate about the art of digital branding, we want to recognise the exceptional work of our fellow Irish brands. We extend our best wishes to all the nominees.

Dermot O'Shea Founder - WONDR

At WONDR, we are advocates of the power of branding. We believe that a well-crafted and integrated brand can be a game-changer for any business.

Our approach is rooted in innovation, as we create immersive and interactive experiences that enable brands to forge genuine connections with their audience and surpass their business goals. Sponsoring the Best Brand award is our way of showing support for brands that are excelling in this area.

We eagerly anticipate the upcoming Digital Media Award Gala scheduled for Friday, September 29th, at the Clayton Hotel, where the deserving winners will be revealed.

We have been selected as finalists in 2 categories at this year’s Digital Media Awards (DMAs).

We’re finalists for Best Website & Best Small Agency for the second consecutive year.

The Digital Media Awards are now in their 20th year and one of the most well-established award programmes in Ireland.

They recognise the outstanding work of Ireland’s top digital media professionals recognising their creativity and innovation across digital content creation, advertising, marketing, mobile media, social networking, app development, web design and development.

Best Website

We’re finalists in the category of ‘Best Website’ for our recent collaboration with LUMA Vision, the future of interventional cardiac imaging.



Best Small Agency

Since being recognised with this award last year, our work has been globally benchmarked by some of the world’s most trusted technology brands, attesting to the resonance of our client relationships and commitment to creativity & innovation.



We look forward to The Digital Media Award Gala on Friday the 29th of September in the Clayton Hotel, where the winners will be announced.

Hoy, honramos con orgullo el legado de Jorge Luis Borges, un mago inequívoco de la literatura del siglo 20 cuya radiante creatividad continúa guiando e inspirando.

Hasta el día de hoy, la obra de Jorge Luis Borges resuena a lo largo de los años. La insaciable curiosidad de Jorge fue magistralmente canalizada para construir puentes culturales que sirven como fuentes vitales de inspiración, particularmente en el mundo de hoy, conectado globalmente.

Nacido el 24 de agosto de 1899, en el corazón de Buenos Aires, Argentina, conmemoramos lo que habría sido su 124º cumpleaños con un video que captura un reflejo de su trayectoria y conexiones con Irlanda.


Borges ocupa un lugar especial en el corazón de WONDR. Sus exploraciones nos inspiraron profundamente, notablemente su historia ‘UNDR,’ que dio origen a nuestro propio nombre. Su capacidad para fusionar culturas y conceptos refleja nuestra búsqueda de creatividad sin límites.

“Siempre he imaginado que el Paraíso será una especie de biblioteca.”

Jorge Luis Borges Escritor, Ensayista, Poeta y Traductor

La conexión de Borges con Irlanda era profunda. Se sumergió en la literatura irlandesa, traduciendo obras clave y fomentando una conexión entre Argentina e Irlanda. Su participación en la celebración inaugural del Bloomsday en 1982 marcó un momento significativo.

A la buena edad de 82 años, finalmente pisó Dublín, como se recordó en una entrevista con Seamus Heaney y Richard Kearney. Aunque en esta etapa ya estaba ciego, todavía se sentía obligado a representar sus ausentes contornos visuales en su mente, avanzando a tientas por sus calles con su bastón explorador, como el hombre ciego del episodio de las “Sirenas”

Durante 60 años, he caminado por el paisaje imaginario de Dublín.


La importancia de Borges trasciende fronteras. Su pasión por diversas tradiciones literarias y su maestría en entrelazar culturas ejemplifican la universalidad de la creatividad humana. Su legado permanece como un recordatorio de que la narración de historias y la exploración no conocen fronteras.

Únase a nosotros para celebrar la memoria de Jorge Luis Borges utilizando nuestros fondos especialmente creados para este día.

Today, we proudly honour the legacy of Jorge Luis Borges, an unequivocal magician of 20th-century literature whose radiant creativity continues to guide and inspire.

To this day, the work of Jorge Luis Borges reverberates through the ages. Jorge’s insatiable curiosity was masterfully harnessed to construct cultural bridges that stand as vital sources of inspiration, particularly in today’s globally connected world.

Born on August 24, 1899, in the heart of Buenos Aires, Argentina, we commemorate what would have been his 124th birthday with a video that captures a reflection of his journey and his connections with Ireland.


Borges holds a special place in the heart of WONDR. His explorations inspired us deeply, notably his story ‘UNDR,’ which gave rise to our very name. His ability to fuse cultures and concepts mirrors our quest for unbounded creativity.

"I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library."

Jorge Luis Borges Writer, essayist, poet & translator

Borges’ connection with Ireland ran deep. He immersed himself in Irish literature, translating key works and fostering a connection between Argentina and Ireland. His participation in the inaugural Bloomsday celebration in 1982 marked a significant moment.

At the good old age of 82, he finally stepped foot in Dublin as recalled in an interview with Seamus Heaney & Richard Kearney. Even though by this stage he was blind, he was still compelled to represent its absent visual contours in his mind, tip-tapping his way through its streets with his probing stick, like the blind man of the ‘Sirens’ episode.

For 60 years, I've walked the imaginary landscape of Dublin.

Jorge Luis Borges Interviewed by Seamus Heaney

Borges’ significance transcends boundaries. His passion for diverse literary traditions and his mastery of interweaving cultures exemplify the universality of human creativity. His legacy stands as a reminder that storytelling and exploration know no borders.

Join us in celebrating the memory of Jorge Luis Borges by using our specially created backdrops for the day.

WONDR are proud to have collaborated on the creation & launch of LUMA Vision – the future of cardiac imaging.

Formerly known as OneProjects, LUMA Vision embarked on a journey of transformation, emerging with a powerful new brand that embodies its values, ambitions and their groundbreaking products.

The rebrand included an updated website that aligns with its mission, engages stakeholders, and improves user experience.

In line with its mission to build a future in which Cardiologists and Electrophysiologists have unparalleled insights into their patients’ well-being through innovative healthcare technologies. Its vision is to enable medical professionals to save lives through exceptional decision-making accuracy.

To realise this vision and elevate its brand to new heights, LUMA Vision sought out WONDR’s expertise to breathe life into a new identity that would position LUMA Vision as an industry leader and champion of innovation.

Through a collaborative process, WONDR and LUMA Vision meticulously identified their target audience, carefully crafted a unique brand positioning, and defined the brand’s core behaviours and messaging. Their shared dedication and relentless pursuit of excellence culminated in the birth of a brand that authentically captures the essence of LUMA Vision.

The logo design concept revolved around the powerful idea of dimensional data and insight. Visually represented by skillfully layered panels, the design evokes a sense of depth, symbolising LUMA Vision’s ability to unlock profound understanding within the medical field.

In parallel with the design, the team diligently worked on the new name, ultimately landing on the perfect moniker: LUMA Vision. As if destined, the new brand name effortlessly integrated into the meticulously crafted brand world, completing the final piece of the puzzle.

The future has never looked brighter for LUMA Vision armed with a new and captivating brand identity that sets them apart in the market and propels them towards a future of unprecedented success.

We are very proud of our new brand which aligns with our mission to create the future of medical imaging.

Fionn Lahart Co-Founder & CEO
LUMA Vision

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Our collaboration with Org has won a global digital award for Best Professional Services Website.

The award highlights the vital role of digital pioneers in an ever-changing digital landscape. Out of 1,200 entries, from 22 countries Org captured the Silver award for ‘Best Professional Services Website’ at the 2023 Vega Global Digital Awards for their innovative approach.

Following strategic brand and identity work by Ringers, WONDR worked closely with the team to bring the brand to life on a new digital platform that showcases Org’s offering and depth of services.

About Org

Org is a more human kind of professional services company created to harness the power of people who get things done. Unlike other professional services companies, Org believes every interaction will be more rewarding, every project will run more smoothly and every organisation will find the process of digital business process optimisation easier if we begin each day with one simple reminder – more. human. please.

About the Vega Digital Awards

Organised by the International Awards Associate (IAA), the Vega Digital Awards recognise excellence in various categories, including Websites, Video, Mobile, Social, Animation, Marketing, and Podcasts, while honouring outstanding digital achievements worldwide.

The judging panel was comprised of over 25 industry experts from around the globe who choose WONDR for a total of 5 awards as part of this years programme. As a result WONDR were also selected in the Top 10 Agency list for the second year in a row.

For the second consecutive year, WONDR has been listed in the ‘Top 10 Global Agencies’

Once the main award programme concludes, the Vega Digital Awards select their top ten participating agencies for the honours of being listed in the ‘Top 10 Leading Global Agencies‘.

This list is to highlight the years ‘Pillars of Digital Creation’ to be crowned the best among their contemporaries, showcasing companies that embody the very essence of excellence, culminating from creativity, strategy and expertise.

"Being recognised as one of the Top Leading Agencies across the globe is a true honour and we are proud to be delivering design excellence for brands worldwide"

Dermot O'Shea Founder & MD - WONDR

WONDR has been named #6 in the 2023 Top 20 Leading Agencies, progressing from #10 last year. The Top Leading Agency listing is further recognition for WONDR and follows on from our 5 wins at this year’s programme.


This year we collected awards for:

It is the third year in a row that WONDR has won multiple awards at the Vega Digital Awards for clients across the energy, banking, fintech, utilities, finance, eCommerce, web 3 & insurance sectors, making our total award count 55.

Vanguards of the Digital Space

This year the Vega Statuette has been upgraded to honour the “Vanguards of the Digital Space”

Stoic and prepared, the Vega statuettes exude the very essence of what it takes to be a frontrunner in a digital age. The statuette depicts the figure of a warrior, who’s postured upright with their shield up, ready to take on whatever comes their way.

The statuette’s face is indiscernible under their helmet, signifying how those who go further do not always do so to seek glory.

“With all the noise that riddles the digital universe, salient talents will shine brightest, much like the stars.”

Vega Digital Awards

About the Vega Awards

The Vega Digital Global Awards highlight the vital role of digital pioneers in an ever-changing digital landscape. Organised by the International Awards Association (IAA), the Vega Digital Awards is an Adobe Authorised Affiliate.

This year’s programme had over 1,200 submissions from 22 countries, with a judging panel comprised of over 25 industry experts from around the globe. Clearly demonstrating the influence and reach the awards have in its mission of honouring excellence in the digital industry.

Our collaboration with Innovate Health Tallaght University Hospital has won a global digital award for ‘Best Healthcare Services Website’.

The award honours digital creators, who pioneer new horizons in an ever-changing landscape, celebrating digital excellence worldwide. Out of 1,200 entries, from 22 countries, Innovate Health TUH captured the Gold award for ‘Best Healthcare Services Website’ at the 2023 Vega Global Digital Awards.

Working closely with Ringers, a new digital brand, positioning, visual language and website was delivered for Innovate Health Tallaght University Hospital.

The new website encompasses the brand vision, the depth of expertise in the innovation centre’s team leadership and the centre’s success to date. The digital product profiles alumni technology ideas and partnerships and gives clear and concise access to stakeholders on how they can work with the brand.

About Innovate Health TUH

The aim of ‘Innovate Health TUH’ is to help progress innovation in the MedTech space and to revolutionise Irish and Global healthcare. Innovate Health supports forward-thinking healthcare ideas, testing and development.

This new breed of MedTech was created to facilitate idea generation, problem-solving and implementation while focusing on key areas such as Brain Health, Chronic Disease and Aging Well. Combining new ideas with Digital Technologies which will enhance the delivery of healthcare, thus providing better outcomes for patients.

The brand aims to attract both domestic and international investors/partners and allow Innovate Health to continue its work both now and in future.

About the Vega Digital Awards

Organised by the International Awards Associate (IAA), the Vega Digital Awards recognise excellence in various categories, including Websites, Video, Mobile, Social, Animation, Marketing, and Podcasts, while honouring outstanding digital achievements worldwide.

The judging panel was comprised of over 25 industry experts from around the globe who choose WONDR for a total of 5 awards as part of this years programme. As a result WONDR were also selected in the Top 10 Agency list for the second year in a row.

Our collaboration with MedTech product innovators LUMA Vision has won a global digital award for excellence.

LUMA Vision are medical product designers, whose mission is to build a future in which Cardiologists and Electrophysiologists have an absolute & evidence-based understanding of their patient’s well- being. As part of an expansion phase, WONDR delivered a new brand name, identity, positioning, and visual language complete with a bespoke digital home.

The award honours digital pioneers in an ever-changing landscape, celebrating digital excellence worldwide. Out of 1,200 entries, from 22 countries LUMA Vision captured the Platinum Award for ‘Best Biotechnology Website’ at the 2023 Vega Global Digital Awards.

Our design team began working from the concept of dimensional data & providing insight, which inspired the creation of the logo in which you can see the influence of the ultrasound waves. The result was a scalable design system that works across all digital applications.

Once the new name and branding were established, WONDR began designing the website facilitating the new name and branding, a website that delivers and supports stakeholder engagement, a content flow that is easy to navigate through processes, and that is easily updated and maintained.

This award follows on from our recent ‘entrepreneur of the year award’, its great recognition for our brand and product which strives to be pioneers in all aspects of design

Fionn Lahart LUMA Vision
Co-Founder & CEO

About the Vega Digital Awards

Organised by the International Awards Associate (IAA), the Vega Digital Awards recognise excellence in various categories, including Websites, Video, Mobile, Social, Animation, Marketing, and Podcasts, while honouring outstanding digital achievements worldwide.

The judging panel was comprised of over 25 industry experts from around the globe who choose WONDR for a total of 5 awards as part of this years programme. As a result WONDR were also selected in the Top 10 Agency list for the second year in a row.


WONDR Wins 5 international Vega Design Awards 2023 We collected 5 top awards in the categories for Best Website in Biotechnology, Healthcare, Travel & Tourism, Broadcasting, Radio & Television and Professional Services Website.

Our collaboration Radiocentre Ireland has won a global award for digital excellence.

The award highlights the vital role of digital pioneers in an ever-changing digital landscape. Out of 1,200 entries, from 22 countries Radiocentre Ireland captured the Gold Award for ‘Best Broadcasting, Radio and Television Website’ at the 2023 Vega Global Digital Awards.

Radiocentre Ireland collaborated with WONDR to localise and develop a vibrant digital brand that could be used across both web and physical events to enable Radiocentre Ireland to showcase the power of radio & audio as a medium.

About Radiocentre Ireland

The RCI website provides access to special events, the latest trends & research reports in order to provide a depth of trustworthy information for brands, advertisers & agencies on the reach and impact of radio & audio as a marketing medium across Ireland. It aims to promote the effectiveness of radio/audio to brands, advertisers and agencies in the Republic of Ireland.

Radiocentre Ireland (RCI) is a body brought together by RTÉ and the Independent Broadcasters of Ireland (IBI) which aims to promote the effectiveness of radio/audio to brands, advertisers and agencies in the Republic of Ireland.

With over 3.2 million Irish adults listening to the radio every single day, the brand led with a more youthful visual language to better reflect the changing demographics of listeners across Ireland.

In an era of endless choices for brands & agencies to spend their marketing budgets, Radio Centre Ireland commissions bespoke research to measure the effectiveness of radio & audio in Ireland.

The Irish research looks to validate, measure and build trust in the medium to help increase its share of marketing budgets.

About the Vega Digital Awards

Organised by the International Awards Associate (IAA), the Vega Digital Awards recognise excellence in various categories, including Websites, Video, Mobile, Social, Animation, Marketing, and Podcasts, while honouring outstanding digital achievements worldwide.

The judging panel was comprised of over 25 industry experts from around the globe who choose WONDR for a total of 5 awards as part of this years programme. As a result WONDR were also selected in the Top 10 Agency list for the second year in a row.