Hoy, honramos con orgullo el legado de Jorge Luis Borges, un mago inequívoco de la literatura del siglo 20 cuya radiante creatividad continúa guiando e inspirando.

Hasta el día de hoy, la obra de Jorge Luis Borges resuena a lo largo de los años. La insaciable curiosidad de Jorge fue magistralmente canalizada para construir puentes culturales que sirven como fuentes vitales de inspiración, particularmente en el mundo de hoy, conectado globalmente.

Nacido el 24 de agosto de 1899, en el corazón de Buenos Aires, Argentina, conmemoramos lo que habría sido su 124º cumpleaños con un video que captura un reflejo de su trayectoria y conexiones con Irlanda.


Borges ocupa un lugar especial en el corazón de WONDR. Sus exploraciones nos inspiraron profundamente, notablemente su historia ‘UNDR,’ que dio origen a nuestro propio nombre. Su capacidad para fusionar culturas y conceptos refleja nuestra búsqueda de creatividad sin límites.

“Siempre he imaginado que el Paraíso será una especie de biblioteca.”

Jorge Luis Borges Escritor, Ensayista, Poeta y Traductor

La conexión de Borges con Irlanda era profunda. Se sumergió en la literatura irlandesa, traduciendo obras clave y fomentando una conexión entre Argentina e Irlanda. Su participación en la celebración inaugural del Bloomsday en 1982 marcó un momento significativo.

A la buena edad de 82 años, finalmente pisó Dublín, como se recordó en una entrevista con Seamus Heaney y Richard Kearney. Aunque en esta etapa ya estaba ciego, todavía se sentía obligado a representar sus ausentes contornos visuales en su mente, avanzando a tientas por sus calles con su bastón explorador, como el hombre ciego del episodio de las “Sirenas”

Durante 60 años, he caminado por el paisaje imaginario de Dublín.


La importancia de Borges trasciende fronteras. Su pasión por diversas tradiciones literarias y su maestría en entrelazar culturas ejemplifican la universalidad de la creatividad humana. Su legado permanece como un recordatorio de que la narración de historias y la exploración no conocen fronteras.

Únase a nosotros para celebrar la memoria de Jorge Luis Borges utilizando nuestros fondos especialmente creados para este día.

Today, we proudly honour the legacy of Jorge Luis Borges, an unequivocal magician of 20th-century literature whose radiant creativity continues to guide and inspire.

To this day, the work of Jorge Luis Borges reverberates through the ages. Jorge’s insatiable curiosity was masterfully harnessed to construct cultural bridges that stand as vital sources of inspiration, particularly in today’s globally connected world.

Born on August 24, 1899, in the heart of Buenos Aires, Argentina, we commemorate what would have been his 124th birthday with a video that captures a reflection of his journey and his connections with Ireland.


Borges holds a special place in the heart of WONDR. His explorations inspired us deeply, notably his story ‘UNDR,’ which gave rise to our very name. His ability to fuse cultures and concepts mirrors our quest for unbounded creativity.

"I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library."

Jorge Luis Borges Writer, essayist, poet & translator

Borges’ connection with Ireland ran deep. He immersed himself in Irish literature, translating key works and fostering a connection between Argentina and Ireland. His participation in the inaugural Bloomsday celebration in 1982 marked a significant moment.

At the good old age of 82, he finally stepped foot in Dublin as recalled in an interview with Seamus Heaney & Richard Kearney. Even though by this stage he was blind, he was still compelled to represent its absent visual contours in his mind, tip-tapping his way through its streets with his probing stick, like the blind man of the ‘Sirens’ episode.

For 60 years, I've walked the imaginary landscape of Dublin.

Jorge Luis Borges Interviewed by Seamus Heaney

Borges’ significance transcends boundaries. His passion for diverse literary traditions and his mastery of interweaving cultures exemplify the universality of human creativity. His legacy stands as a reminder that storytelling and exploration know no borders.

Join us in celebrating the memory of Jorge Luis Borges by using our specially created backdrops for the day.

Born on the 24th August 1899 in Argentina, Jorge Luis Borges was an iconic and unique thinker who created magical stories in his writing. Borges had a strong connection with Ireland formed through his passion and interest in famous Irish writers like Oscar Wilde & James Joyce.

Many stories have been written about his links to our nation, including an article by Newstalk who noted as a result of this affection for the country and its authors, his works are littered with Irish references. In his short story ‘The Shape of the Sword’, the protagonist is from Dungarvan, while in ‘An Examination of the Works of Herbert Quain’, the story opens with a line that states that Quain recently died in Roscommon. Similarly, the story ‘The Theme of the Traitor and the Hero’ also takes place in Ireland, set in 1824.

We took inspiration for our name from his short tale ‘UNDR‘ in the Book of Sand. UNDR we took to mean wonderment which we shortened to WONDR.

We took inspiration for our name from his short tale 'UNDR' in the Book of Sand. UNDR we took to mean wonderment which we shortened to WONDR.

When we had our first premises we converted a shop into our creative hub and had a display window facing the main street which contained pictures of the man. Often we would get travellers, particularly Argentinian & South Americans, who would stop by to ask about the story how a picture of Jorge came to find its way there. We were more than happy to tell them.

When you visit our Practice on Wicklow St you are going to see constant reference to the UNDR story and ‘The Mirror and the Mask’ also from the book of Sand. Each room in our building takes its names from the stories. For example, our main creative studio is called Olan. Skald is our second studio. Uppsalla is where we meet to converse and eat. You get the picture.

Our main boardroom is named, Borges, after the man himself where you’ll find the portrait from our old shop window but also a portrait of him as a young man.

This picture of Jorge at the age of 21, captures a young man who had the clarity to define a vision and forge a brave path that led him to inspire many generations of writers and creatives like ourselves.

We thank Jorge Luis Borges for showing us the way.

To celebrate his writings our Brand & Strategy Director, Oisin, created a series of short videos to capture the mood, landscapes & visions painted in Jorge’s words. One day we plan to make this into a much richer experience to bring these stories to life in a new digital journey.

The Journey

The Journey

The Sea

The Sea

The Sea Curve

The Sea Curve

The Fire

The Fire

The Mountains

The Mountains